Glowing creature of the night

Flying Creature of the Night

“Remember your worst nightmare? Were you glad to wake up? Be grateful. In the early morning hours of February 23, 2010, a few miles or so southwest of Marfa, Texas, the victims were terrified by what awakened them. I am not the eyewitness, but a few days after this event, I interviewed my friend James, who had been driving through Southern Texas; he had stopped at the Marfa Lights viewing platform to see whatever he could.”

Flying Creature in San Fernando Valley

A report of a large flying creature in Sherman Oaks, California, suggests similarities to the [glowing]  ropen of Papua New Guinea. A man reported the creature after he and his girlfriend observed it while taking a walk at about 10:30 p.m., on September 21, 2009. He reported, “It was a very large, winged creature that was gliding maybe 100 yards above us. . . . it beat its wings, once, before going out of view.” . . . The man estimated the wingspan: ten to fifteen feet; the girlfriend estimated twenty feet. The wings appeared more like those of bats than birds . . .

Entomologist Observed Strange Lights in New Guinea

. . . a British entomologist . . . in the 1930′s, was puzzled by strange lights  . . . [on the] mainland of New Guinea. She later wrote a book . . . in which she described the flash . . . It would be decades later that a few American cryptozoologists would explore several areas of Papua New Guinea, searching for bioluminescent Rhamphorhynchoid (long-tailed) pterosaurs. . . .


One Reply to “Glowing creature of the night”

  1. The explanation for the Marfa Lights (Texas) is more speculative, compared with the others, but it is based on some reported sightings of apparent pterosaurs living in that part of Texas.

    The San Fernando sighting involves two eyewitnesses that I interviewed myself; they both appeared very credible with a number of things pointing to a genuine sighting and nothing significant pointing to any hoax.

    The sighting by Cheesman (Papua New Guinea) is very credible, but there was no direct reference to anything resembling a living pterosuar. Nevertheless, the circumstantial evidence that this British biologist witnessed the bioluminescence of living pterosuars—that is significant. She was truly baffled by those lights and her description of them resembles descriptions by more recent eyewitnesses in areas of Papua New Guinea where apparent large pterosaurs have been observed.

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