Occam’s Razor Shaves Marfa Lights

The simplest theory, in science, is usually preferred to the more complex. So how does Occam’s Razor relate to Marfa Lights and possible nocturnal flying creatures in Texas? It depends on what hypothesis is competing with bioluminescent flying predators, even if those predators are living pterosaurs similar to the ropen of Papua New Guinea.

According to the Modern Pterosaur blog, by Norman Huntington (a pen name used by cryptozoology author Jonathan D. Whitcomb), a modern definition of Occam’s Razon is this: “When comparing two competing theories or hypotheses that make the same predictions, the simpler one is given priority.”

Whitcomb compares the “Electromagnetic Vortexes” hypothesis of James Bunnell with the bioluminescent-flying-predator hypothesis. Apparently the idea of a group of flying predators is a simpler concept than a combination of energetic vortexes and combustable sustances coming from the soil around Marfa, Texas.

Whitcomb does not even consider the hypothesis of car headlights, on his long post “Occam’s Razor and Marfa Lights,” for Bunnell has done years of research and found many mysterious lights that could not be from car headlights, even under the most extreme night-mirage conditions.

Of course pterosaurs are not the only possible flying predators, but the glowing flying creatures in Papua New Guinea are reported by eyewitnesses to have features much more like pterosaurs than any known bat or bird. Indeed, I have received eyewitness reports from eyewitness from around the world, and some of those reports include descriptions of glowing flying creatures.