“Pterodactyl Attacks” in British Columbia

It has long been known that some people in Africa and Papua New Guinea have been attacked by flying creatures that have been described like pterosaurs. Many of the eyewitnesses, from around the world, have seen the creatures and some of the wingspan estimates have topped twenty feet. In Canada, Gerald McIsaac has investigated reports of attacks from the nocturnal “devil bird,” and the number of reports makes it questionable that all of them would be hoaxes. If that were not enough, other investigators, in the United States, have spent years searching for living pterosaurs, and eyewitness reports from the 48 contiguous states have continued to accumulate.

Pterodactyl Attacks and Human Deaths

Chapter Eight, “Highway of Tears,” in Bird From Hell [nonfiction book by Gerald McIsaac] reveals, “Amnesty International estimates that since 1969, thirty-two women and girls, most of them Aboriginal, have disappeared along that highway.” [northern British Columbia] Nobody denies that some women and girls in this part of Canada are victims of abuse at home and that some of them hitchhike on this highway, making themselves vulnerable at night. But the general human population, at least the Native Americans, keep indoors at night to avoid the “devil bird,” and some eyewitnesses of that flying creature have been attacked by a flying creature, when those persons have stayed outside after sunset.

Modern Pterosaur Expert

Whitcomb has received many emails and occasional phone calls from ordinary persons who have seen extraordinary animals: apparent pterosaurs. On August 18, 2008, he received a phone call from a man in England, a plane pilot who recently had a near-collision with a large creature flying 6500 feet above the sea, 150 miles from Bali, Indonesia . . .

Although cryptozoologists have not previously thought of Gerald McIsaac as a pterosaur expert, his recent nonfiction book makes it clear that his has actively searched for the pterosaur-like flying creature that is called “devil bird” in this part of British Columbia. Modern-pterosaur experts and researchers should be interested in the progress of McIsaac’s searching and researching, for there is still much to be discovered in this wonderful world.