Objective Ministries hoax and pterosaur “expedition”

Over the past ten years, many expeditions in Papua New Guinea have made the word “ropen” better known in the Western world. But the “Objective Ministries” web site has all the markings of a tremendous hoax. The supposed “expedition” planned for Africa seems to be just another sideline of the hoax. There is no university called “Fellowship University” anywhere and there is no such person “Dr. Richard Paley” who is both a creationist and a university professor, notwithstanding the apparent photograph on the Objective Ministries site about pterosaurs.

This site includes these words, all part of the hoax:

The goal of Project Pterosaur is to mount an expedition to locate and bring back to the United States living specimens of pterosaurs or their fertile eggs, which will be displayed in a Pterosaur Rookery that will be the center piece of the planned Fellowship Creation Science Museum and Research Institute (FCSMRI).

There never was such a “project” and there never was any plan for a “Fellowship Creation Science Museum . . .” A number of people had begun to catch on to the hoax by around 2005, and I (cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb) became suspicious when my email inquiry was not answered. Years passed without any apparent progress in the planned “project” of “Objective Ministries.” It was suggested by one person that the photograph of “Dr. Richard Paley” is a doctored photo, perhaps modified using Photoshop.

Regardless, “hoax” seems the best word to describe “Objective Ministries.” I hope the person responsible removes the web pages and admits the joke. Too many persons have been deceived by this monstrosity.

Real investigations of real persons who report real sightings of strange flying creatures (sightings really suggesting real pterosaurs)—those are what I enjoy investigating, not a hoax titled “Objective Ministries.”


Live Pterosaurs in America (nonfiction book)
Live Pterosaurs in America

The nonfiction cryptozoology book Live Pterosaurs in America is the undisputed best seller among nonfiction books that have much content about apparent living pterosaurs (Amazon.com, late 2009 through mid-2010). Purchase your own copy and learn about these amazing eyewitness accounts of large “pterodactyls” flying through the skies of California, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, New York state, South Carolina, and elsewhere in the United States.

It has been found, through researching description details, that the overall sighting reports could not have come from any hoax or combination of hoaxes. The sightings are genuine encounters.