Sea serpent near Seattle

A surfer describes the head of a strange creature  that emerged “only a few feet from me.” The hairy head he estimated to be at least three feet in diameter, resembling a cross between that of a cow and a dog. The neck was six feet long. The encounter, early in May of 2009, was around some kelp beds.

See: Cryptozoology

San Fernando Valley, Sep 21, 2009, Possible Pterosaur

The San Fernando Valley sighting of last September reminds me of some ropen sightings in Papua New Guinea: Portions of the body of a large flying creature glow. (I’ve interviewed eyewitnesses of apparent pterosaurs in Papua New Guinea and the United States.)

A couple was walking their dog at about 10:30 p.m., near the corner of Burbank Blvd and Woodman in the city of Sherman Oaks, California, when they saw a “very large, winged creature” gliding about 300 feet overhead. The woman described glowing or reflective portions of the wings; she described them to me in a way that suggested they were much dimmer than the bright flashes of ropens. The man emailed me the next day (Sep 22). Within 48 hours of the sighting, I had separate phone interviews with the eyewitnesses.

It was impossible to accurately estimate the size of the creature they saw that night. The man thought the wingspan may have been 10-15 feet; the woman estimated larger. Visibility was limited enough that the man had no idea about the presence or absence of a tail. But both eyewitnesses were sure that it was too big to be a bird.

Although I have not yet found any other eyewitnesses of that flying creature for that date and general location, I have found these two eyewitnesses credible.
