Mysterious Marfa Lights

What marvelous Marfa Lights! “Story 17,” in the book Hunting Marfa Lights, tells about a “spectacular” sighting recorded by the author of the book, James Bunnell. Early on the night of May 7, 2003, several Marfa Lights made their appearance. Bunnell describes this as “the beginning of one of the most spectacular ML events I have recorded.”

The ML divided into two MLs and they then performed an interesting dance with each other . . . the right ML started moving rapidly to the west and continued its journey for miles . . . The left ML continued to oscillate and vary in brightness (pulsing) and exhibited interesting behavior . . . The right ML continued its journey west . . . [it] also divided into two MLs. They both continued . . . west for approximately ten miles, then both MLs reversed direction . . .

Other eyewitnesses, on other nights, have seen similar complex flying behavior of Marfa mystery lights: splittings, horizontal dances, and rejoinings. It sounds like Texans line dancing, but humans are not invited.

Surely this kind of flying light behavior suggests flying cryptids, bioluminescent crytids that may be related to the ropen of Papua New Guinea. In the southwest Pacific, strange flying lights are said to be from giant flying creatures. Some cryptozoologists believe the ropen is a Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur, in spite of the widespread teachings about extinctions 65-million years ago.

Why believe that these strangley-flying Marfa Lights may be from bioluminescent pterosaurs? Eyewitnesses of living pterosaurs have seen those featherless flying creatures west, north, and east of Marfa, Texas.

Marfa Lights – Sarcasm or Soaring Predators?

“Predator” is the first word to consider with Marfa Lights. In general, those mystery lights that James Bunnell classifies as “CE-III” behave consistantly with the predator-interpretation, assuming large bioluminescent flying creatures can live in southwest Texas.
